How to Ask for a Testimonial: Our Exact Email Template + 10 Juicy Questions

how to ask for a testimonial

Picture this:

A potential client is scrolling through your website and reading all about the wonderful things you can do for them.

They keep scrolling and scrolling. It all seems too good to be true. How can they be sure that what you’re claiming is true? Can you actually help them in the way you say you can?

Customer testimonials can make the difference between a lead that bounces away from your website and a lead that becomes a paying client.

Let’s explore how to ask for a testimonial from a client so that you can increase your credibility and help convert more leads into dream clients. As a bonus, we’ll share some testimonial request email templates that you can use.

Let’s take a look at what makes a great testimonial request.

What Are Testimonials?

Customer testimonials are statements given by your past or existing coaching clients that describe their experience with your service. They can be written statements, but some testimonials are could be recorded as video testimonials or even sent via text message.

Some testimonials get drafted by the client, but you can also draft the testimonials from answers your clients give you on a questionnaire. 

So why would you want to draft a testimonial yourself?

When you’re in charge of writing the testimonial, you can highlight the most valuable parts of your client’s testimony. What results did they get from working with you? How has their life changed? 

In some cases, clients may prefer to provide their testimonials in their own words, which can add to the authenticity of the statement. You can always create a guide for them instead, from how to draft their story to the best practices for filming video testimonials.

You can place the emphasis on the transformation they experienced so that other potential clients will get an idea of what’s possible if they decide to work with you.

Why Testimonials Are Important

As a coach, positive testimonials should play a huge part in your marketing strategy.

For one, 92% of consumers read online reviews before they decide to spend their money. But customer feedback is especially important for coaches.

Coaching is a highly personal process. Not everyone’s going to jive with your coaching style! Testimonials allow you to showcase to potential customers what it’s like to work with you – from the point of view of people who’ve experienced it.

Of course, you should also paint a picture of what it’s like to work with you in your website’s copywriting. But a dedicated testimonial page adds a layer of credibility and social proof to your online presence that website copy can’t do on its own.

It’s one thing to say you can provide transformational experiences as a coach – it’s another to proudly display client stories from those who’ve lived through those transformations and can testify to that.

The bigger the claims you make on your website, the more likely you’ll need to have a testimonial page to back those claims up. 

Showing off coaching testimonials from clients that reflect your target audience is a fantastic way to tap into that network. A potential client will want in on that action if people they relate to are raving about your service.

Testimonials are also useful to help you create engaging content for your audience and attract potential customers. For instance, you can make a testimonial into a pin on Pinterest, publish it in a social media post, add a short one to your business cards, or use one to draft an effective Facebook ad. A video testimonial is especially useful for repurposing into promotional content for your business.

[ Read: The Life Coach’s Guide to Getting Clients on Social Media]

So what are you waiting for? It’s time to start sending testimonial request letters.

How to Ask for a Testimonial

In order to get customer testimonials, you’ll usually need to ask for them. It’d be wonderful if client testimonials automatically fell from the sky, but not all your clients will think about giving you one – even if they are loyal clients and absolutely enjoyed working with you.

If a client comes up with a drafted testimonial without being asked, great! But if they don’t, it’s better to ask them to request a testimonial with a questionnaire instead.

If you collect testimonials this way, you won’t put the burden of drafting something good onto your client. All they need to do is answer your questions in a few words. It’ll be your job to draft quality testimonials based on those answers.

If you’re wondering how to ask for client testimonials, here’s an example testimonial email template that you can send to ask for a testimonial. Remember to change up the wording to reflect your own personal style and brand!

Hi [first-name],

I wanted to drop a quick line to let you know how grateful I am that we’re working together. Thank you deeply for your support.

I hope we can help each other shine, and in this line of thinking, I was hoping you’d be interested in filling out my testimonial form.

Instead of trying to think of something to say, I put all the relevant questions in this form that’s super easy to fill out. Then I’ll draft something and send it over for your approval! Just click on the button below to fill in the form:

[Form button]

And, if you want to send a headshot that I can include with your testimonial, then I would be eternally grateful.


Questions to ask for a testimonial

So what questions should you put in a testimonial form?

Testimonial forms are different from discovery session forms. They should focus on the experience and results your client experienced. Ideally, prospects can learn the measurable benefits of working with you.

They’re also an opportunity to learn about how you can improve.

Yet, coming up with testimonial questions for coaching clients can be tricky. Here are ten question ideas you can add to your testimonial form:

1. How did you find out about my coaching services?

2. What was going on in your life/business when you made the decision to work with me? What challenges were you facing?

3. What else did you try to overcome your challenges before you worked with me? What happened?

4. What made you choose to work with me to overcome these challenges? How did my coaching services stand out?

5. What has been the biggest breakthrough you’ve experienced while working with me?

6. What has been your favorite thing about working with me so far?

7. What has been your LEAST favorite thing about working with me so far?

8. How would you describe my coaching service to someone else?

9. Is there anything you wish I had done differently?

10. Would you recommend this coaching service to a friend? If so, can you explain why?

Remember that you should ask open ended questions (questions that can’t just be answered with yes or no) to get the most from your testimonial requests. You also don’t need to ask too many questions, as it could overwhelm your client.

Your main goal here is to share customer success stories, so focus on asking the right questions rather than every question. Keeping your message short will encourage most clients to respond; you don’t want to make it feel like work for them to write you a testimonial.

Free testimonial templates

Just received your client’s testimonial email questionnaire, but you’re stuck on how to start drafting a testimonial?

Try using these two templates for testimonials to banish writer’s block:

Focus on overcoming a challenge:

[A short sentence about your client’s challenges or past experiences.]

[How you helped the client overcome this challenge.]

[What their life is like now.]

Here’s an example of what this can look like: 

Before working with Tasha, I felt like I was walking through my life without a purpose and wasting my days. Tasha helped me flip everything around and rediscover my deeper why and sense of self. Now I feel like I know exactly where I’m going, all thanks to her!

Focus on loving the experience:

[A sentence about how they loved working with you.]

[How your coaching style helped them.]

[A final statement on something specific you did for them.]

Here’s an example of what this can look like: 

I loved working with Sandy. Her no-nonsense approach made it so much easier to launch my business. Not only did she deliver on guiding me step-by-step, she even personally wrote a mission statement that I resonate with so much. Thank you Sandy!

Focus on loving the results:

[A sentence about how working with you got the best results.]

[A statement about their goal and how you helped them achieve it.]

I achieved fantastic results through working with Joseph; he helped me go from being unclear and unfocused to landing my dream job. I couldn’t have done it without him!

When you draft your testimonial, make sure to ask your client if you have permission to use their full name and link to their website if they have one. 

The more detail you add about your clients, the more credible your testimonial will be for your leads. They can verify the person in your testimonial is real and reassure themselves that you have integrity.

Unfortunately, several online brands have been using freelance marketplaces like Upwork and Fiverr to pay for fake video testimonials. That’s why adding a real name can help you gain the trust of potential clients who want to do their due diligence. There’s nothing better than organic feedback, and people will probably be able to tell if your testimonials are fake.

But whatever you do, don’t publish a testimonial without your client’s consent. If you’re drafting the testimonial yourself, make sure they read and approve it before you start using it anywhere. The last thing you’d want is to misunderstand their words and write a testimonial that isn’t representative of them or their experience.

Customer Testimonial Examples

Not sure what an amazing testimonial from a happy customer should look like? You don’t have to look further than successful life coaching websites to see what their clients are saying about them. 

If you have a favorite coach you follow, check out their testimonial section for inspiration on what the client experience should look like. But for now, we’ve found these captivating client testimonial examples you can use as a starting point:

Maggie Edwards: “I found ‘my way out’ of my problems and focused on things that mattered to me the most. I’ve gained clarity, confidence, and I’m happier now.” 

Preston Smiles: “Bridge made me confront my limiting mindset. I used to be a serial procrastinator and was always saying ‘when I…’ or ‘if I ever…’ when I really just needed to put my plans into action, no excuses. Six months ago I used to dream about owning my own design business and now I’m in the fourth month of my business, running successfully alongside my day job. So much gratitude!”

Melissa Ambrosini: “Melissa is a wonderful example of someone who is absolutely real, can speak from the heart and is brave enough to draw upon and openly share her own personal experiences to prove that self belief is the modern woman’s most valuable practice.” 

Merel Kriegsman: “I’ve surpassed my money goal 20x and will very likely get to 7-figures this year. I’m deeply moved when I look at the numbers I aimed for only a year ago. With Merel’s help, I’ve surpassed those numbers 20x and will very likely get to 7-figures this year, and I have more time freedom than ever. UPDATE: She did it.”

Marie Forleo: “Marie is that mentor we’ve been wishing for who spoke our language, understands our struggles & gives sound advice that we can apply without even knowing us in person!”

[ Read: The 16 World’s Best Life Coaches (And Why They’re So Popular)]

Three Tips to Ensure Your Client Says ‘Yes’ When You Request Testimonials

how to ask a client for a testimonial

There’s no guarantee of success when asking clients for testimonials, but there are things you can do to improve your chances when you want to collect testimonials. 

1. Pick the Right Time

By now, you probably realize that requesting a testimonial is an art form. And, to master it, you must pay close attention to the importance of timing.

Don’t bother asking for a testimonial if you’ve just started working with a new client. You need to be patient so that they have a positive experience to share. 

Analyze when might be the optimal time before sending out testimonial questions. Ask clients who’ve been with you for a while and try to gauge if they’re currently happy with your working relationship. 

It’s probably the right time to ask if they’re celebrating a new job or love interest. Asking them during a timeframe when they’re particularly upbeat about their life will boost your chances of receiving positive feedback.

2. Make It Easy for Them 

You want your clients to do you a favor by giving life coach testimonials. So make sure the process is simple and effortless for them.

At the beginning of the testimonial form, you should let them know approximately how long it will take for them to complete it. The last thing you want is for them to give up halfway through without submitting their testimony.

You can also consider giving them an alternative option when requesting testimonials. They might be more responsive to your request if they can film a short video testimonial, or they may want to write it up without filling out your form. Another option is to film their testimonial in a Zoom meeting in which you are asking the questions.

Another option is sending text messages using business text messaging tools or Whatsapp messages asking if the client has some feedback about your services. If they respond with a positive testimonial, you can use a screen grab of the message for the testimonial page of your website (with their consent, of course).

3. Offer Them Something in Return

Sometimes it’s a good idea to dangle a carrot in front of your client when sending them a testimonial request.

Offering a small incentive, such as a backlink to their website, a cup of coffee, or a discount for future services, can be the difference between a snappy “yes” and a “maybe later”. If your client is SEO savvy, they’ll understand what backlinks can do for their Google ranking.

Find a way to motivate them. But be careful not to go overboard with your incentive because Google forbid paid testimonials without disclosure. And always thank your clients after they leave you a testimonial.

What Can You Do If A Client Isn’t Giving You Feedback?

Requesting testimonials from clients isn’t always easy, even if you’re doing all the right things. Sometimes a client may tell you, “Sure! I’ll get to it soon”. You wait patiently, but they never do get to it. 

Thankfully, all hope is not lost if you’re asking for testimonials but getting nothing in return. 

Your first option is to write up a testimonial for them. Based on their results, you can formulate a testimonial on their behalf and ask for their approval. It’s absolutely essential that they give their consent before you publish anything in their name.

Your second option is to quote your client from a session together. If they have a breakthrough moment or an epiphany, they might say something positive about you or their transformational journey. You can contact the client after the session to ask if you can use their words for a positive testimonial. Remember that whatever you write up in their name must be approved by the client before sharing it.

Increase Your Credibility and Trust Factor by Asking for Testimonials

It can be intimidating, but learning how to ask for testimonials is so important if you want more people who land on your website to like and trust you.

Once you learn how to ask for a testimonial effectively, whether it’s a written or video testimonial, you will ask yourself why you didn’t master the skill sooner!

You can take some of the struggles out of drafting your testimonials by creating your questionnaire using Paperbell.

You can also use Paperbell to easily manage all your clients in one place, so nothing falls through the cracks! Click here to grab your free account – no credit card needed.

how to ask for a testimonial
By Charlene Boutin
Charlene is an email marketing and content strategy coach for small business owners and freelancers. Over the past 5 years, she has helped and coached 50+ small business owners to increase their traffic with blog content and grow their email subscribers.
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